Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Whole Fam Damily, Up to a Point

Sarah (Good) Weigold and Matthew Weigold flank the kids. David's not born yet.

And then the family grew...

Yes, these characters are related to you. According to the writing on the back:

Back row, left to right: Uncle Danny & Aunt Mary, holding Audrey; Uncle John; Aunt Kessie; Grandpa David Arispa Weigold; Aunt Kessie, Uncle Levi; Aunt Florence (with her hands on Carl Weigold's shoulders) & Uncle Sammy Weigold.

Front Row: Sarah (Good) and Matthew Weigold.

Help? Mom?

This line-up is a little easier. Brian, Mom (Joan), Sally, John, Peggy, Dad (Herb). Around the time of Sally's wedding, August 8, 1987.